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Invisalign Is A Discreet Teeth Straightening Treatment

Invisalign Is A Discreet Teeth Straightening Treatment

Invisalign® clear aligners give you a discreet way to improve the alignment of your teeth. It involves using rigid, transparent plastic trays to push your teeth to a better alignment gradually. These aligner trays are virtually impossible to notice in the wearer’s mouth, allowing you to get teeth straightening treatments without having to explain what…

A General Dentist Answers Bruxism FAQs

A General Dentist Answers Bruxism FAQs

General dentists state that bruxism is a condition that involves the grinding of the top and bottom arches of teeth. The act often happens at night while a person is asleep, making it involuntary. However, some individuals are also known to grind their teeth during the day as well. Although teeth grinding does not sound too…