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Using Retainers After Orthodontic Treatments

Using Retainers After Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontics requires patience on the part of the wearer. They work their magic at a slow, steady pace, realigning the teeth and/or jaw to create the patient's desired smile.Once the braces come off, the retainer becomes a new addition to a patient's daily routine. Here is a short explainer that goes over the retainer and…

Your Manalapan Family Dentist Recommends These   Everyday Oral Hygiene Habits

Your Manalapan Family Dentist Recommends These 6 Everyday Oral Hygiene Habits

Your Manalapan family dentist plays an important role in your oral health because they help you prevent cavities and gum disease while providing you with tips on how to improve your oral health. Even if you already practice good oral hygiene, these tips will help improve your oral health.Practicing good oral hygiene means you have…